Monday, August 31, 2009

Tour de Gaps

That's what the Tour de Gaps ride was like. I had such a great time that at times I forgot that the ride was supposed to be tough. From the start I was up in the lead group with Matt Hawkins, Steven Walker and Rod Brewster just riding like it was just a regular Saturday ride.
Unfortunately, Rowdy didn't have such a good ride. He got dropped from the lead group of 8 and couldn't get back on. Matt, Steve, Rod and I stayed on their wheel until the start of the first gap and then we decided to let them go. For me, I think that the first climb was the toughest, probably because we pushed up it harder than the rest. Steve beat me to the top followed by Matt & Rod. Larry tried the gap, but he started cramping half way up and turned around. On the way down we caught sight of Steve Mangiacaprie, Jim, Alison and James giving it a try.
After the first climb we decided to take it easier and concentrate on finishing more than on what time we finished in. The second and third gaps were great and of course between the two was Schoolhouse Rd(pictured). It's about a 1/4 mile climb that peaks at 23%. Tough for all, impossible for some. I know the pic doesn't look that bad, but I was well prepared. Coming down the second gap I misjudged a tight turn and almost went over a guard rail. Luckily, I managed to right myself in the grass and continue riding, otherwise it would have been a long drop. Of course, Steve beat me to the top of both gaps.
At the base of the last climb wer were all together ready to take it on. We were warned that it was the hardest of the four, either because it is steep early or because it's after all the others. I led Steve up about 90% of the climb, but it leveled out some towards the top and he caught and passed me. I didn't care or even try to catch him. My goal was to get to the top. Once there I knew I had conquered the ride, FINALLY!
We rode together the rest of the ride taking turns on the front, but enjoying the smaller climbs and knowing we were nearly finished.
Everything seemed surreal once we finished and part of me was ready to get some food in me, while another part of me didn't want the ride to end. My only dissappointment was that everyone wanted to leave right away and we didn't stay for the rest of our riders to finish.
I would like to thank Matt, Steve & Rod for riding with me, Larry Morton for driving me up and back, Rowdy Spuesens for letting me stay at his house for the week and Alison Seipker, Jim Blattner, William Hornback, Kendra Kane, James McLean, Seth and his friend. Also, congratulations to Steven Mangiacaprie for completing the ride for the third year in a row.

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